June 06, 2007 17:14 PM | |
Govt Bans 37 Publications On Islam Containing Twisted Facts
KUALA LUMPUR, June 6 (Bernama) -- The Internal Security Ministry has banned 37 book titles and publications on Islam containing twisted facts that can undermine the faith of Muslims.
Secretary of the Publications and Quranic Texts Control Division Che Din Yusoh said today 21 of the publications were in the English language and published in the United States, United Kingdom and Jordan while 16 were in Bahasa Malaysia and published in Malaysia and Indonesia.
All the book titles and publications were banned by a prohibition order under the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984, he said in a statement.
He said the prohibition order was imposed on the publications because their contents and text on Islam twisted facts and true Islamic teachings or contained elements that misled the faithful and humiliated the prophets.
"These publications can cause confusion and apprehension among Muslims and eventually jeopardise public order," he added.
The list of book titles and publications, the names of the authors, compilers or translators and publishers as well as the country of publication are contained in the Government Gazzette dated April 26 2007.
The banned book titles and publications published in English are:
+ Unveiled At Last: Bob Sjogren (YWAM Publishing, United States);
+ The Last of the Giants: George Otis Jr (Fleming H.Revell, US);
+ Inside the Community: Understanding Muslims Through Their Traditions: Phil Parshall (Baker Books, US);
+ Now You Can Know What Muslims Believe: (Ministries to Muslims, US);
+ Blind Following of Madhhabs: Shaykh Muhammad Sultaan (Al-Hidaayah Publishing, United Kingdom);
+ My Journey from The Christianity of Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaah To The Islam Of The Prophet: Saim Bakar;
+ Answering Islam The Crescent in Light of the Cross: Norman L Geisler, Abdul Saleeb (Baker Books, US);
+ Islam in Context Past, Present and Future: Peter G. Riddell, Peter Cotterell (Baker Academic, US);
+ Feminism and Islamic Fundamentalism, The Limit of Post-modern Analysis: Haideh Moghissi (Zed Books Ltd, UK);
+ Islam At The Crossroads, Understanding Its Beliefs, History and Conflicts: Paul Marshall, Roberta Green, Lela Gilbert (Baker Books, US);
+ Glad News! God Loves You My Muslim Friends: Samy Tanagho (Authentic Media, US);
+ The Fifth Pillar A Spiritual Pilgrimage: David Zeidan (Piquant, Great Britain);
+ Heart of the Koran by Lex Hixton (The Theosophical Publishing House, US);
+ The Life and Times of Muhammad: Sir John Glubb (Madison Books, US);
+ Inside Islam The Faith, The People and The Conflicts of the World's Fastest Growing Religion (Marlowe & Company, US);
+ Jesus and Muhammad Profound Differences and Suprising Similarities: Mark A. Gabriel (Charisma House,US);
+ Nine Parts of Desire The Hidden World of Islamic Women: Geraldine Brooks (Anchor Books, US);
+ Introducing Islam: The Basics: Kim Whiteheads (Mason Crest Publishers, Jordan);
+ Introducing Islam: Islam, Christianity and Judaism: Dorothy Kavanaugh (Mason Crest, Jordan);
+ Murder in the Name of Allah: Hazrat Mirza, Tahir Ahmad (Lutterworth Press, Great Britain); and,
+ The New Paths in Muslim Evangelism, Evangelical, Approaches to Contextualization (Baker Book House, US).
The banned book titles published locally are:
+ Ringkasan Mafatih Al-Jinan Kunci Pembuka Syurga: Syeikh At-Tuisy (Jasmin Enterprise, Kuala Lumpur);
+ Bahaya Tarikat Sufi/Tasawuf Terhadap Masyarakat: Ustaz Rasul Bin Dahri (Perniagaan Jaha Bersaudara, Johor); and
+ Apa itu Ahmadiyah?: Mirza Bashiruddin, Mahmud Ahmad (Jemaat Islam Ahmadiah, Batu Caves).
The banned book titles published in Indonesia are:
+ Petunjuk Membuat Azimat dan Benda Bertuah: Abd. Hamid Zahwan (CV.Aneka, Solo),
+ Islam Tanpa Syariat Menggali Universalitas Tradisi: Ziauddin Sardar (Penerbit Grafindo);
+ Ombak Hidup Mengalami Damai Di Mata Taufan - (Yayasan Isahi Nusantara, Jakarta),
+ The Passion of Christ Kesengsaraan Al-Masihi; Mujarobat Ilmu Kekebalan: Ahmad Toha, Abdul Ghoni (CV Bintang);
+ Menyoal Relevensi Sunnah Dalam Islam Modern: Daniel W. Brown, Jaziar Radianti (Penerbitan Mizan, Bandung);
+ Rahsia Manusia Menyingkap Ruh Ilahi: Syekh Nur ad-Din ar-Raniri (Pustaka Sufi, Yogyakarta);
+ Ikhtisar Tajul Muluk (Mahkota Raja): Abd.Hamid Zahwan (CV Aneka, Solo);
+ Pilihan Do'a Jaljalut Mengantisipasi Gejolak Zaman Modern: Muh. Rofi'.SI (CV Aneka, Solo);
+ Pengantar Psikologi Al-Quran Dimensi Keilmuan di balik Mushaf Utsmani: Dr Lukman Saksonro (PT Grafikatama Jaya);
+ One True God Risiko Sejarah Bertuhan Satu: Rodney Stark, Sadat Ismail (Penerbit Qalam,Yogyakarta);
+ Tasawuf Dalam Qur'an: Dr Mir Valiudin (Pustaka Firdaus, Jakarta); and
+ Wahdat Al-Adyan Dialog Pluralisme Agama: Fathimah Usman (LK iS Yogyakarta).
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