Ahmadiyya Times: Indo-Pak: India relaxes citizenship norms for ... By Dae'e Lillah Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | US Desk Source & Credit: The Express Tribune Staff | PPI | June 11, 2010. DELHI: India relaxed citizenship norms for certain categories of Pakistani nationals staying in India on Friday and asked state ... Ahmadiyya Times - http://ahmadiyyatimes.blogspot.com/ |
Ahmadiyya Feed: The Persecution of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community ... By Ahban "Today's attack is the most cruel and barbaric," the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK said in a statement. The Chief Minister of Pakistan's Punjab province, Shahbaz Sharif, expressed "heartfelt sorrow" over the killings. ... Ahmadiyya Feed - http://ahmadiyyafeed.blogspot.com/ |
Lebih dari sekedar COPY-PASTE.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
"Ahmadiyya Times: Indo-Pak: India relaxes citizenship norms for ...", and "Ahmadiyya Feed: The Persecution of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community ..."
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
[thejakartaglobe.com] Ahmadiyah and Indonesian Democracy
[The Jakarta Post] Let's agree to disagree on Ahmadiyah
Your photographer depicted the demonstration demanding the dissolution of the Islamic sect Jamaah Ahmadiyah in Indonesia (The Jakarta Post, March 6, p. 4). As you published the photograph, I should like to comment on it.
Islam teaches us to behave and to speak politely. Prophet Muhammad's whole life is an example of this. He never spoke harsh words nor uttered foul language either to his followers or his enemies. I think Muslims in Indonesia must strictly follow this example, especially when speaking of something about which he has no knowledge.
The Ahmadiyah opponents suppose that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad died in an unaccepted way. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a claimant to the Messiah and the Mahdi.
After his declaration to Mahdihood, he was opposed by most of those around him. He was even boycotted and excommunicated. When he was about to breathe his last, it was too far for his opponents to go to visit him and watch the way he died, since they had never come near him or sat with him or had any conversation with him before.
Logically, therefore, none of his opponents knew how he died; only his followers, who happened to be present at the time, knew the truth. His opponent's claims about what happened, therefore, are absolutely false and misleading.
The fact Ahmadiyah opponents demand that Ahmadiyah followers not use any Islamic terminology is proof that Ahmadiyah has been Islamic from the beginning.
Belief in the coming of the Mahdi and the Messiah is also an Islamic tenet. The dispute is, in fact, about the interpretation of Surah Al-Ahzab verse 40; Ahmadiyah interpretation of it is supported by the Arabic lexicon and Arabic usage.
To reject it is tantamount to rejecting the whole of the Arabic lexicon. Thus it is not an issue of right or wrong, but a matter of like and dislike. If one does not like the Ahmadiyah interpretation, one is free to do so but express it in a proper manner. Let us agree to disagree, and pray for this country's unity in diversity.
Abdul Mukhlis
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Ahmadiyah Melulu...!!!
Non Ahmadiyah percaya Isa yang akan turun nanti (yang disebutkan dalam hadist) adalah Isa bin Maryam, orang Israel, yang hidup 2000 tahun yang lalu, yang memiliki mukjizat antara lain: menyembuhkan orang sakit, menghidupkan orang mati, ...
Satu-satunya anggota Wantimpres (Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden) yang menolak pelarangan Ahmadiyah adalah Adnan Buyung Nasution. Dengan dalih membela konstitusi (HAM dan kebebasan beragama), Buyung habis-habisan membela Ahmadiyah, ...
Masih hangat di ingatan kita berbagai peristwa-peristiwa yang menimpa jemaah Ahmadiyah, seperti penyerangan kawasan pemukiman, pengrusakan dan pembakaran mesjid, demonstrasi umat muslim di seantero nusantara dan peristiwa lainnya ...
A 'Way Out' for Ahmadiyah
Article: http://inci73.multiply.com/reviews/item/42
By Dr Syamsuddin Arif
Published on The Brunei Times (http://www.bt.com.bn/en)
Friday, May 16, 2008
Fake Prophet: Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Ahmadiyah (died 1908). Muhammad Iqbal saw Ahmadiyah as part of the colonial "split and rule" programme to keep the Muslims fighting among themselves. Picture: Wikimedia
"I do not believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is a prophet, nor do I accept him as a mujaddid [religious reformer]," wrote the late Ir. Soekarno in his major book, Under the Banner of Revolution (2nd imp. Jakarta, 1963, vol.1, p.345).
For the past three months, Indonesia has been deeply involved in an endless debate on Ahmadiyah. Ir. Soekarno, the first Indonesian President, was neither the first nor the sole Muslim figure to express such unfavorable view.
Long before him, the celebrated thinker Sir Muhammad Iqbal when asked by Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister of India, concerning Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's propaganda, emphatically replied that "no Revelation the denial of which entails heresy is possible after Muhammad. He who claims such a revelation is a traitor to Islam" (Islam of And Ahmadism, repr. Islamabad, 1990, p.8).
Iqbal saw striking similarities between the Ahmadiyah movement in India and the Babism in Persia (Iran), whose founder also claimed to be a prophet. Because their creed was political servility, both movements were supported by the British and the Russian as part of the colonial 'split and rule' program to keep the Muslims fighting among themselves.
If the Russian government allowed Babism to establish their own mosque in Ishqabad, Turkmenistan, the British let the Ahmadiyah found their mission centre in Woking, Surrey.
According to Iqbal, Ahmadism or Qadianism --so he preferred to call it-- would only bring people back to stupidity. Its chief mission is but "to carve out, from the Ummat of the Arabian Prophet, a new ummat for the of Indian prophet." (page 2)
A prominent Indian scholar, Syed Abul Hasan Ali an-Nadwi, having made an extensive study of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's life and "evolution" from a simple student turning into a hero (1880), a "promised messiah" (1891) and a self-proclaimed prophet (1910), concluded that the Ahmadiyah movement has contributed nothing but adding burden to the Muslim people, dividing them, and rendering their problems even more complicated (See: Qadianism: A Critical Study, repr. Lucknow 1980, p. 155).
That the essence of Ahmadiyah lies in accepting Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's claim to prophethood is attested by Yohanan Friedman of Hebrew University of Jerusalem in his book, Prophecy Continuous: Aspects of Ahmadi Religious Thought and Its Medieval Background, (Berkeley, 1989, p.119, 181 & 191).
Ahmadiyah was first brought into Indonesia sometime in 1925 by several students from Sumatra who had been converted and trained in Qadian, India. To help spread their dogma, the mission has published bulletins such as "Sinar Islam" (The Light of Islam - sic!), "Studi Islam" and "Fathi Islam". The resentment generated by the Ahmadi missionary activities used to drag them several times into an open debate 1933 in Bandung and other cities (See: Fawzy S. Thaha, Ahmadiyah Dalam Persoalan, Singapura, 1982).
Followers of Ahmadiyah had been declared aberrant and infidel (murtad - apostate) by Muslim scholars at the Fifth Congress of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in 1930 in Pekalongan as well as by the Ulama Association of East Sumatra in 1935.
After a long period of silence, the Ahmadiyah question resurfaced in late 1970s and early 1980s following the Pakistani parliament's resolution to treat the Ahmadis as non-Muslim under the law.
In 1980 the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Hamka issued a fatwa stating that Ahmadiyah is outside the fold of Islam, and its adherents apostate.
The decree was recently reaffirmed in an official statement signed by MUI chairman Prof. Dr. H. Umar Shihab and its secretary Prof. Dr. H.M. Din Syamsuddin. In addition, the Ministry of Religious Affairs in 1984 had also warned the Muslims against the danger of Ahmadiyah.
Finally, in April 16, 2008 the Supervision Committee on Cults and Sects (Bakorpakem), made known its findings that the Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI) has truly deviated from Islam and so urged the Minister of Religious affairs, Attorney General, and Minister of Home Affairs to take action against it.
Indeed, according to Atho Mudzhar, senior officer at the Religious Ministry and chief of the investigation team, during three months Bakorpakem had been observing 55 Ahmadiyah communites 33 districts. As many as 35 members of the team met 277 members of Ahmadiyah. Nothing has changed among them doctrinally, since they still affirm that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (MGA) is a prophet after Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
They also believe that Tadzkirah is a collection of revelation received by MGA.
Advocates and followers of Ahmadiyah often put forth three arguments to support their position. First, an Ahmadi is also a Muslim because they have the same syahadat (faith declaration).
Try to compare this with the statement that the "orang Ahmadiyah" (Ahmadi man) is no different from "orangutan" because both are "orang" (human). Of course such thing is unacceptable.
It is clear in this case what matters is not their similarity, but rather their difference. What distinguishes orangutan from an Ahmadi is not so much its being-'orang' as its 'utan' characteristic. By the same token, what makes Ahmadiyah followers differ from the Muslims is not their apparent similarity in creed and rituals, but rather their belief in the prophethood of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
Second, it has been argued that like all other Indonesia citizens, the Ahmadiyah followers have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion so that to ban Ahmadiyah is to violate human rights and to act against the Constitution.
There is a logical twist here. To be sure, Article 29 of the very same Universal Declaration of Human Rights unequivocally states that in the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
This means that abuse of freedom is not allowed which would disrupt order or bring damage to religion. Now what MGA and his Ahmadiyah did is like "building a new house inside someone's house" --that is to say, founding a religion within religion.
Their affirmation of MGA's prophethood is an insult to Islam. Consequently, as Dr Tony P. Chi points out in his study (1973, p.134-5): "Ahmadiyya preaching and propagation have instigated unrest and dissension in the Muslim world." Therefore, the only solution to Ahmadiyah problem is to expell it from the House of Islam and become a new religion like Mormonism in the United States.
Finally, to the suggestion that compassion should be preferred to violence in dealing with the Ahmadiyah, we reply that this advice is badly needed by the American and Israeli governments vis-a-vis the people of Iraq and Palestine.
"Abu Bakr As-Siddiq is the most compassionate among my folk (arhamu ummati)," said Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Yet when there arose a group of apostates, he did not hesitate to take action against them.
Islam guarantees one's freedom to embrace -- not to spoil, any religion. As for the Quranic verses: "There is no compulsion in religion" (translation of the Quran surah Al-Baqarah: 256) and "For you, your religion, and for me, my religion" (surah Al-Kafirun:6), these are referring to religions outside Islam. Thus, Prophet Muhammad told the impostors to choose either to repent or be punished to death (See: Imam Al-Mawardi, al-Hawi al-Kabir, vol.13, p.109).
* The writer is an assistant professor at the International Islamic University Malaysia
The Brunei Times
Source URL:
Article: temanteras.wordpress.com
Monday, May 19, 2008
[islamkristen] Kalangan Liberal Akan Bela Ahmadiyah Melalui Iklan Petisi
In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
=== News Update ===
Kalangan Liberal Akan Bela Ahmadiyah Melalui Iklan Petisi
Iklan petisi yang akan ditampilkan di empat Koran nasional itu dilakukan dengan alasan adanya "sekelompok orang yang hendak menghapuskan hak asasi itu dan mengancam ke-bhineka-an".
Demikian sebagaimana dikutip dari situs salah satu aktivis liberal, *Nong Darol Mahmada*.
"Kami menyerukan, agar Pemerintah, para wakil rakyat, dan para pemegang otoritas hukum, untuk tidak takut kepada tekanan yang membahayakan ke-Indonesia-an itu," demikian sebagaimana dikutip di blog Nong.
Yang tak kalah menariknya, petisi itu agak mengadu-domba umat Islam dengan pemerintah, seolah-olah penolak Ahmadiyah adalah memiliki agenda besar untuk mengubah Pancasila menjadi Negara Islam.
"Ada agenda dan kegiatan besar yang mengancam negara kita ini yang dilakukan segelintir kelompok untuk mengubah Indonesia yang berlandaskan Pancasila menjadi negara Islam yang berlandaskan kekhalifahan dan keImaman atau lainnya."
"Saya menolak itu. Negara kita Plural dan beragama, dan tidak hanya mengakui satu agama dan keyakinan. Dalam setiap agama pun banyak keyakinan dan penafsiran," demikian sebagaimana dimuat di situs Aliansi Kebangsaan untuk Kebebasan Beragama dan Keyakinan (AKBB) di *akkbb.wordpress.com*
Aliansi Bhineka Tunggal Ika adalah kelompok yang pernah menggerakan kalangan lesbian, homo, para pelacur dan penyanyi dangdut untuk menyampaikan sikap penolakan terhadap Rancangan Undang-undang (RUU) Anti Pornografi dan Pornoaksi (APP).
Petisi bertajuk "Mari Pertahankan Indonesia Kita!" dikoordinasikan oleh ICRP dan Aliansi Bhineka Tunggal Ika dan disebar di beberapa milis di Indonesia.
Umumnya, nama-nama yang ikut membela Ahmadiyah dalam petisi yang akan diiklankan di beberapa Koran ini adalah kalangan liberal yang tak memiliki massa. Diantara mereka ada nama; *Nong Darol Mahmada*, *Ulil Abshar Abdalah*(JIL), *Lies Marcoes* (aktivis feminis), *Ismed Natsir* (Aktivis hak minoritas), *Tika Makarim* (Ketua Aksi Peduli Indonesia), *Tini Hadad* (Anggota pengurus API), *Zumrotin*.
Sementara itu di lain pihak; kalangan seperti; NU, Muhammadiyah, Persis, dan ormas-ormas Islam yang tergabung dalam Forum Ukhuwah Islam (FUI) tak ada perselisihan menyangkut Ahmadiyah. Muhammadiyah tahun 2005 dan keputusan terbaru PBNU bahkan mendesak pemerintah agar Ahmadiyah menjadi agama tersendiri sebagai penyelesaian konflik yang adil. [cha, berbagai sumber/ www.hidayatullah.com]
*PWNU Jatim Peringatkan "Kiai" Pembela Ahmadiyah*
Pengurus Wilayah NU Jawa Timur memperingatkan Wakil Rais Syuriyah Pengurus Cabang Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) Surabaya, KH. Imam Ghozali Said, karena dianggap membela Ahmadiyah. Sikap penolakan pelarangan Ahmadiyah yang dilakukan Ghozali Said dinilai tak sejalan dengan kebijakan NU yang telah menegaskan bahwa Ahmadiyah menyimpang dari Islam.
Karena itu, PWNU Jatim telah melayangkan surat kepada PCNU Surabaya pada Kamis (8/5) kemarin. Surat tersebut berisi perintah agar PCNU memberikan peringatan kepada Ghozali Said.
"Dimohon agar yang bersangkutan diberi peringatan agar konsisten dan dapat sejalan dengan keputusan di dunia Islam dan di lingkungan NU sendiri," begitu salah satu bunyi surat tersebut sebagaimana dikutip www.nu.or.id
"Kita meminta agar Cabang (baca: PCNU) Surabaya memanggil dan memperingatkan dia (H Imam Ghozali Said)," ujar Rais Syuriyah PWNU Jatim, KH Miftachul Akhyar, kepada NU Online di kantornya.
Kiai Miftachbegitu panggilan akrabnyamenjelaskan, surat tersebut dikeluarkan untuk menghindari kesimpangsiuaran informasi mengenai sikap resmi NU atas kasus Ahmadiyah. Ia juga tak ingin ada pengurus NU yang berpendapat sesuka hati terkait aliran yang mengakui Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sebagai nabi tersebut.
Sebagaimana diketahui, Ghozali Said merupakan salah satu dari rombongan ulama dan kiai se-Jawa yang menemui Ketua DPR RI Agung Laksono di Gedung DPR, Jakarta, Rabu (7/4) lalu.
Dalam kesempatan itu, ia beserta sejumlah kiai lainnya meminta kepada Agung agar DPR membatalkan rencana pemerintah menerbitkan Surat Keputusan Bersama (SKB) tiga menteri terkait pembubaran Ahmadiyah.
Bahkan, Ghozali Said, menilai, tuntutan pelarangan Ahmadiyah merupakan pelanggaran terhadap Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM). Menurutnya, Islam pun menghargai kemanusiaan.
"Kalau pemerintah tidak melindungi Ahmadiyah, berarti negara gagal melindungi warganya," pungkasnya.
Para kiai yang datang di Kejaksaan ini umumnya dikenal sebagai tokoh yang berpandangan liberal. Mereka juga datang atas sponsor dari Wahid Institute, LSM liberal yang dirintis oleh bekas Presiden RI Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur). [cha, berbagai sumber/www.hidayatullah.com]
From: "abdul rahman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [INSISTS] Kalangan Liberal Akan Bela Ahmadiyah Melalui Iklan Petisi
What is misleading about this is treating Islam as a monolith without treating Christianity the same way. If you cumulated all the Christians together, their 33% market share would easily outstrip Islam. But lumping together Northern Ireland Catholics and Protestants, or Croatian Catholics and Serbian Orthodox, or Pastor Hagee and the Pope, produces a fairly meaningless number. It is just as meaningless to lump together the Sunni and Shiite factions of Islam, which our soldiers in Iraq can tell you are busily butchering one another, with Americans caught in the crossfire.
Antagonism between Sunni and Shiite arose in the earliest days of Islam. The Umayyad dynasty that
ruled the Arab-conquered world after the deaths of Muhammad and his immediate companions was not terribly religious. Christianity, Judaism, and even Paganism continued to flourish, and no attempt was made to impose the Islamic law known today as “Sharia” in Umayyad territories. Muhammad himself was accorded little honor; his daughters made poor marriages, and his funeral bier was auctioned off for cash. Caliph Alwaleed Ibn Yazid sneered that “Muhammad the Hashemite manipulated people by his claim that he was a prophet, without true inspiration or an inspired book.” Caliph Walid II is said to have stuck the Koran on a lance and shot it to pieces with arrows – quite similar to what an American staff sergeant is now in trouble for doing with a rifle, forcing his superiors into grotesque groveling – literally having to kiss the Koran to make amends. Perhaps the sergeant was simply a student of Arab history?
The clergy grew increasingly critical of the Umayyads. In 680, a serious revolt against the caliph broke out in Iraq, led by Muhammad’s grandson Husayn ibn Ali. Husayn was defeated and killed at the battle of Kerbela, but his supporters never gave up; their spiritual descendants are today’s Shiites. The Umayyads were later overthrown by Arabian clergy, who helped establish the much more religious-dominated Abbasid dynasty. It was the Abbasids, centuries after Muhammad’s death, who elevated him to the lofty status he enjoys in the Sunni world today. One might think that the Abbasid clergy in Arabia would have patched things up with the Shiites in Iran and Iraq, but that would have meant sharing power; does any reader know the Arabic translation for “fat chance”?
What is less generally known is that there are other factions inside Islam as well. In Turkey, for example, there is a large sect called the “Alevis,” with 15 to 20 million adherents – about the same number as America’s largest Protestant denomination, the Southern Baptists. Alevis are Islamic in that they accept the idea that Muhammad was God’s prophet, but they do not attend sex-segregated mosques on Fridays, as Muslims do. Instead, Alevi men and women gather on Thursdays, where they mix their prayers with dance to help them experience mystical union with Allah (and, for the lucky, other types of union after the service). The women wear red headdresses, a vestige of pre-Islamic fire worship days. Their veneration for Husayn ibn Ali leans them toward Shiism, but of course the Iranian mullahs will have nothing to do with them – Alevi principles like “The important thing is not religion, but being a human being” have no place in revolutionary Iran.
The Alevis are old, and represent a grafting of Islam onto pre-existing Paganism. A much newer sub-group has sprung up around the 19th century teachings of one Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who claimed to have had one-on-one chats with God in the same way Muhammad did, and thus to be a new prophet. Just as the Jews of the 2nd century BC decided that they were finished with having to deal with any more disruptive new prophets, the Muslims in the 9th century insisted that Muhammad was the end of the line, prophet-wise, and that God was too busy, too ornery, or too tired to send us any more. So the Ahmadiyas, as Mirza’s followers were called, had to be heretics.
Ahmadiya differences from mainstream Islam include, among other things, their belief that Jesus did not die on the cross. He simply fainted, awoke later in the tomb, and then hightailed it for Kashmir, where he died of old age under the name Yuz Asaf. Not so absurd a theory, in light of Mark 15:44: “And Pilate marveled if he were already dead: and calling unto him the centurion, he asked him whether he had been any while dead,” because Pilate knew that death by crucifixion normally took days, not hours.
New prophets run counter to the spirit of the whole Muslim enterprise. The word “Islam” itself means “submission,” a concept implying that “B” is unquestioningly to do exactly what “A” tells him to do. Since God is not actually around to do the telling, “A” is the gang of preachers who proclaim themselves to be God’s mouthpiece. Such a model has no place for new factions, which by definition represent a departure from what “A” has been saying all along, thereby insulting A’s authority.
Thus, both the Ahmadiyas and the Alevis are endlessly harassed by mainstream Muslims, even in allegedly moderate Muslim states like Turkey and Indonesia. In Turkey, Alevi taxpayers pay through the nose to subsidize official Sunni Islam, with free electricity for Sunni mosques, government-paid salaries for imams, and brainwashing of Turkish children by promotion of Sunnism in state schools; but Alevi clerics and churches are never allowed to feed at the government trough. In democratic Indonesia, the government is responding decisively to protests last month by thousands of Sunnis organized by something called the Islamic Defender Front. “We demand the government outlaw Ahmadiyah’s teachings immediately,” said the marchers; others burned down an Ahmadiya mosque and ransacked a school while chanting “Burn, burn!” and “Kill, kill!”. Outlawing Ahmadiyah’s teachings is exactly what Indonesia’s religious affairs ministry is now preparing to do, based on a recommendation from its “Coordinating Board for Monitoring Mystical Beliefs in Society.”
The curious thing about all these factions is that every churchgoer in the world implicitly believes that God’s will is accepted by only a small minority of the people on the planet. Even if you view the biggest single cult, Catholicism, as a monolith (a highly debatable proposition), that leaves a minimum of 82.6% of the world’s population as being just flat-out wrong about what God wants; for any other sect, the misguided proportion of the world is even greater. The God who created the universe and guides its every action puts up with that kind of disrespect?
Muhammadiyah Siap Rangkul Ahmadiyah
"PP Muhamamdiyah tidak pernah ikut-ikutan untuk mendesak dan membubarkan organisasi apapun. Justru sebagai organisasi dakwah, kami akan mengajak semua yang tersesat untuk kembali ke jalan yang benar," ujar Din.
Din mengatakan itu di hadapan sekira 20 ribu warga Muhammadiyah yang hadir dalam pengajian pengurus ranting se-Jateng, di hall, Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah, Minggu (18/5/2008). Acara tersebut juga dihadiri Gubernur Ali Mufiz dan Walikota Semarang, Sukawi Sutarip.
Din mengibaratkan para jamaah Ahmadiyah seperti sedang berada di pekarangan rumah Islam. Sebab, saat ini mereka telah membaca syahadat, melaksanakan salat, membayar Zakat, dan juga pergi Haji. Kesalahan satu-satunya yang diperbuat oleh warga Ahmadiyah adalah mengakui Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sebagai seorang nabi.
"Karena sudah di dalam pagar, daripada disuruh keluar, ya lebih baik diajak masuk. Asalkan mereka mau mengikuti syarat-syarat dan keyakinan yang ada di rumah kita,"
Ditegaskannya lagi, orang-orang yang mempercayai ada nabi lain selain Muhammad bisa dikategorikan dalam golongan orang-orang kafir.
"Oleh karena itu, kami akan ajak mereka untuk bergabung ke dalam Islam, dengan keyakinan bahwa Muhammad adalah Nabi terakhir dan tidak ada nabi setelah beliau. Kalau mereka menolak, berarti untukmu agamamu, dan untukku agamaku. Kami minta mereka untuk tidak membawa-bawa nama Islam. Silakan menyebarkan ajaran, tapi jangan sebut-sebut itu sebagai ajaran islam," tegasnya. (khusnul huda/Sindo/jri)
MUI oh MUI...
Beberapa hari lalu beredar di milis tentang MUI yang angkat tangan dengan kehalalan produk Breadtalk karena masa berlaku sertifikatnya sudah habis, lalu beredar anggapan bahwa produk Breadtalk sudah tidak halal lagi...
Maaf sebelumnya buat para Ulama yang terkumpul dalam Majelis Ulama Indonesia, bukannya saya bermaksud menentang, bukan juga untuk bermaksud kurang sopan. Saya bahkan masih sangat hormat dengan para Ulama Indonesia, sehingga kalaupun saya berkesempatan bertemu dengan ulama, pasti akan saya cium tangannya dengan ta'zhim, sebagai rasa penghormatan saya yang setinggi-tingginya kepada beliau. Saya cuma mau memberi masukan, bukan mengkritik, apalagi mencaci.
Dulu waktu saya sering ikut pengajian dengan para ulama, saya pernah diberitahu bahwa fungsi ulama adalah sebagai pengayom umat. Bahkan slogan yang paling sering diungkapkan adalah sebagai Rohmatan Lil Alamiin, rahmat bagi alam semesta ini. Tidak saja umat islam, tetapi juga umat-umat yang lain, termasuk bumi dan langit serta mahluk hidup yang mendiaminya.
Tapi waktu mendengar pembelaan MUI bahwa mereka tidak mengeluarkan fatwa anarkis terhadap Ahmadiyah, hati saya kok jadi miris. Dan waktu mendengar pemberitaan bahwa MUI tidak pernah mengatakan bahwa produk Breadtalk itu haram, hati saya kok jadi sedih. Kalau dulu saya sering melihat para ulama itu sangat hati-hati dalam berbicara, dan tidak mudah membela diri dan cuci tangan. Sekarang kok rasanya lain ya? apa memang cuma perasaanku aja? tapi kok kalau liat berita di tivi rasa betul ada kerusuhan yang menyerbu Ahmadiyah... bahkan saya sempat melihat umat yang begitu beringasnya mengobrak-abrik tempat ahmadiyah. Apa betul fungsi Rohmatan Lil Alamin seperti itu ya? Saya kok baru tau.. Ah, mungkin ini pelajaran baru dari pengajian di jaman sekarang. Nanti aku coba ikut pengajian-pengajian lagi.. Siapa tau ada lagi sesuatu yang baru..
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Is freedom of religion conditional in RI?
In the first few days after an Ahmadiyah mosque in Parakan Salak, Sukabumi, West Java, was burned down by a mob of hardliners at the end of last month, Siti Masitoh had to stop her 6-year-old son from running out from their modest house to the mosque for dusk prayers.
Locking the door, the wife of the leader of Parakan Salak's Jemaah Ahmadiyah, Asep Saifudin, told her son in tears that the Al-Furqon mosque was no longer there.
"It's like he forgets the mosque has been burned down," Masitoh said last Sunday.
When he does remember, he cries and asks his parents to rebuild the mosque, which is now in ruins. Its roof and dome collapsed in the fire.
On the evening of April 28, a group calling itself the Jamaah Al Mubalighin Communication Forum set fire to the mosque, which belongs to the Ahmadiyah sect.
Ahmadis believe Punjabi Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who founded the Ahmadiyah group in 1889, is a prophet and also the messiah.
Terror and intimidation by hardliners were not directed at Ahmadiyah alone. Violent attacks were also faced by other sects that were deemed "deviant" by the Indonesian Ulema Council. Mobs harassed and attacked members of the Kingdom of Eden sect in Jakarta founded by Lia Aminudin, who claimed to receive revelations from the Angel Gabriel.
In Bogor, mobs also intimidated members of Al-Qiyadah Al-Islamiyah, founded by Ahmad Mossadeq, who claimed to be a prophet and the messiah.
Under the 1945 Constitution, the state "guarantees all persons freedom of worship, each according to his own religion or belief".
Legal Aid Institute director Patra M Zen, a member of a National Alliance for Freedom of Religion and Belief, said the state should not intervene in the religious life of its citizens.
"We're seeing a step back in religious tolerance and pluralism in SBY's time," he said referring to Yudhoyono's popular nickname.
"What we need to hear from the President is a firm statement that the state will create religious tolerance, uphold the rule of law, and facilitate religious dialogue between groups," he said.
Full article by Prodita Sabarini
Related: Move to ban 'deviant' sect puts Indonesian tolerance in question
[NEWS] Komnas HAM Tetap Pertahankan Hak Ahmadiyah
Menurut Koordinator Sub Komisi Pengkajian dan Penelitian Komnas HAM Ahmad Baso, pelarangan Ahmadiyah oleh pemerintah harus disertai dengan dasar hukum yang jelas, bukan sekedar desakan yang dapat merugikan keutuhan bangsa Indonesia.
"Permasalahan seperti itu harus diselesaikan melalui jalur pengadilan bukan dengan politik jalanan." tutur Ahmad usai memberikan materi dalam Seminar se-Abad Kebangkitan Nasional di Sekolah Tinggi Hukum Garut, Minggu (18/5/2008)
Diapun menambahkan, sebelumnya sekira tahun 1950-an bangsa Indonesia telah menunjukkan komitmennya untuk memberikan kebebasan hak hidup bagi Ahmadiah yang dituangkan ke dalam aturan hukum. Namun di era reformasi ini hal itu malah dipersoalkan.
"Pelarangan Ahmadiah akan mencoreng nama Indonesia di mata dunia karena telah melakukan pelanggaran HAM. Selain itu Indonesia pun akan di cap sebagai negara yang tidak mampu menjalankan tugasnya dalam menjamin semua persoalan yang dialami warga negaranya dari golongan minoritas," terangnya.
Komnas HAM juga akan melayangkan protes kepada pemerintah, bila isi SKB memuat pembatasan ruang gerak Ahmadiyah yang bersifat eksklusen. Karena selain tidak dibenarkan menurut undang-undang, hal itu juga akan menyebabkan kaum minoritas akan selalu menjadi korban.
"Itu merupakan bentuk pembumihanguan yang mengancam keutuhan bangsa. Politik eksklusen juga tidak sesuai dengan bhineka tunggal ika sebagai filosofi bangsa kita." tandasnya. (Sigit Zulmunir/Trijaya/pie)
Friday, May 16, 2008
Mayor uses security as excuse to ban Ahmadiyah
![]() | The Archipelago | Fri, 05/16/2008 12:49 PM |
Yuli Tri Suwarni, The Jakarta Post, Bandung
Cimahi Mayor Itoc Tochiya on Thursday defended his decision to ban the Islamic sect Ahmadiyah from congregating, saying he acted in the interests of security.
He said the ban was issued in order to maintain a peaceful atmosphere in the municipality following increased public protests against the group and its activities.
The ban on the group’s activities, he said, should be viewed as a protective measure for Ahmadiyah members, since the group’s teachings clashed with that of the majority of Muslims and could thus spark public disorder.
“Don’t look at it from the religious tolerance aspect. We must maintain security in this city. If they were allowed to continue with their activities here, it could lead to anarchy,” Itoc told The Jakarta Post in Cimahi.
He said complaints against the group, mostly from Muslims, stemmed from a difference in belief. Ahmadis believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be the last prophet of Islam, while the majority of Muslims believe Muhammad was the last prophet.
Itoc said these opposing beliefs have led to deep divisions between the two groups. Ahmadiyah members have reportedly been evicted from several areas by mobs of mainstream Muslims.
“We have asked Ahmadiyah followers to explain themselves to the public at the local military command, but they didn’t turn up. We fear disgruntled residents will resort to anarchy and disrupt public order,” he said.
To effect the ban, Itoc said six Ahmadiyah mosques were cordoned off to prevent the group’s members congregating, and the mosques’ signboards were taken down.
“We have notified them of this,” Itoc said.
He said he was prepared for any legal action by the Ahmadiyah in the wake of the ban, which he would revise only if the government issued a joint order from three ministers legalizing the group.
“We are not dissolving Ahmadiyah, only urging them not to engage in activities that could provoke unrest. They are welcome to mount a legal challenge. I enacted the order with the full support of the Indonesian Ulema Council, the police, the prosecutor’s office and the military,” said Itoc.
He said the local chapter of the Coordinating Board for the Supervision of Mystical Beliefs in Society (Bakor Pakem) had recommended the sect be banned on Nov. 28 last year.
He denied the decision was made to appease the government or special interest groups.
An Ahmadiyah mosque on Jl. Kolonel Masturi in Cimahi was empty on Thursday. A local resident, Herman, 26, said people rarely congregated there other than for Friday prayers.
“The congregation is small, not like at other mosques,” he said.
To avoid mob violence, Ahmadiyah authorities put up banners saying they would abide by the mayor’s order and not congregate, pending an official decision on their status from the government.
Mochammad Rafii, spokesman for the Cimahi chapter of Ahmadiyah, said the municipality’s actions were regrettable.
He said, “They should clarify the prohibitions. Is praying as a congregation prohibited? Prayer is communication between people and God. Is that a crime?” Cimahi municipality in West Java has followed Sukabumi and Kuningan regencies in banning the Islamic sect Ahmadiyah, despite no formal ban from the central government.
Mayor Itoc Tochiya issued the order on May 6, a day after the local chapter of the Coordinating Board for the Supervision of Mystical Beliefs in Society (Bakor Pakem) recommended municipal authorities ban the sect for heresy.
Head of the Cimahi chapter of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Hafidz Sayuti, said the council urged the municipality to issue the ban “to protect sect members”.
Sukabumi and Kuningan regencies, also in West Java, earlier issued orders banning the sect. These local actions come as the central government considers a nationwide ban on Ahmadiyah.
A mosque belonging to the sect in Parakan Salak, Sukabumi, was burned down on April 28 by Muslims demanding the government outlaw the group.
More than 50 families who are followers of the sect have been evicted from their villages in Ketapang, West Nusa Tenggara, and are now staying in temporary shelters at government buildings in Mataram.
Sayuti said the Cimahi chapter of the Indonesian Ulema Council had investigated the sect and found they continued to treat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as a prophet and that their teachings deviated from mainstream Islamic tenets.
“Wouldn’t it minimize social tension if they stopped their activities?” Sayuti said Wednesday.
Cimahi is home to thousands of Ahmadis, one of the biggest concentrations of members in West Java, along with Sukabumi, Kuningan, Bogor and Bandung.
The ban was greeted by protests not only by Ahmadiyah members but also by an interfaith group, AKUR, which accused municipal authorities of ignoring human rights and violating the Constitution’s guarantee of religious freedom.
AKUR coordinator Yaman Didu said the ban was contrary to the Constitution, which protects the rights of citizens and enshrines freedom of religion.
“We demand the mayor revoke the decision and retract statements published in the media,” Didu said.
Head of the Bandung region Ahmadiyah youth wing, Zaki Firdaus, said the mayor had acted arbitrarily.
“We believe we have been carrying out our responsibilities as good citizens, so please treat us correctly,” Zaki said.
He urged the central government to settle this issue fairly and wisely, in line with the Constitution and human rights.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Hardliners torch "heretical" Indonesian mosque-police

Hardliners torch "heretical" Indonesian mosque-police
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Agenda Pemuja Setan Membela Ahmadiyah
May 7th, 2008
Agenda Pemuja Setan Membela Ahmadiyah:
Rabu (7 Mei) para pemuja setan mengadakan konferensi pers di kantor Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan. Konferensi pers disampaikan oleh Musdah Mulia, Mariana Amiruddi, dan Masruchah.
Kamis (8 Mei) 9.00 WIB para pemuja setan melakukan aksi di bundaran HI dengan tema “Selamatkan Ibu dan Anah Ahmadiyah dari Kekerasan”. Panitia aksi: Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan, Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia, Aliansi Nasioal Bhineka Tunggal Ika, LBH Jakarta, Institute Ungu, Komunitas Ungu, Our Voice, Istitute Pelangi Perempuan, Lajnah Imaillah Ahmadiyah, Perempuan Mahardika, Srikandi Demokrasi Indonesia, Pimpinan Cabang Istimewa Mihamdiyah Jerman.
KOMETAR: Para pedukung Ahamdiyah adalah gerombolan pemuja setan, tukang mabok, tukang zina, tukang kumpul kebo, banci dan lonte taman lawang, kaum soddom dan gomorah, serta begundal-begundal sampah yang hidup dari uang Amerika dan kafir Barat yang imperialis. Mereka adalah antek-antek penjajah yang dibayar Barat untuk menghancurkan Islam dan kaum Muslimin.[]
AJI Damai Tolak Surat Keputusan Bersama Untuk Ahmadiyah
AJI Damai Tolak Surat Keputusan Bersama Untuk Ahmadiyah
Selasa, 06 Mei 2008 | 19:04 WIB
TEMPO Interaktif, Yogyakarta:
Sebanyak 32 elemen masyarakat, yang menamakan diri Aliansi Jogja untuk Indonesia Damai (AJI DAMAI) melakukan demo. Mereka berjalan dari Terminal Parkir Abu Bakar Ali, hingga Gedung Agung, Jalan Malioboro, Yogyakarta, menolak dikeluarkannya Surat Keputusan Bersama untuk membubarkan Ahmadiyah di Indonesia.
“Kalau SKB diberlakukan, Indonesia malah mundur ke belakang,” kata Muhammad Subkhi Ridho, Koordinator AJI DAMAI, kepada Tempo, Selasa, (6/5). Alasannya, Ahmadiyah sudah eksis jauh sebelum Indonesia diproklamasikan. “Ahmadiyah salah satu kelompok, yang melahirkan RI. Pencipta lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya WR Supratman adalah warga Ahmadiyah,” kata Ridho.
Selain itu, Ridho mengatakan, Amadiyah tidak pernah memakai cara-cara kekerasan untuk menyelesaikan polemik. Dalam catatannya, pengikut Ahmadiyah di Indonesia yang jumlahnya sekitar dua juta, selalu berperilaku santun dalam mengembangkan gerakannya.
Semula, Ridho dan kawan-kawannya akan menemui Sultan Hamengku Buwono ke X, untuk menceritakan keresahan mereka, menyangkut polemik Ahmadiyah. Terlebih di Yogyakarta, Ahmadiyah memiliki pengikut cukup banyak, sekitar 500 orang. “Karena itu kami mendukung Sri Sultan menciptakan kedamaian bagi masyarakat Yogyakarta,” kata Ridho.
Dalam aksi itu, AJI DAMAI meminta kepada Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, menyelesaikan kasus Ahmadiyah berdasarkan konstiusi negara dan UU HAM. “Pasal 29 jelas mengatakan menjamin kehidupan beragama dan kepercayaan di Indonesia,” ujar Ridho. Mereka juga menyerukan kepada aparat keamanan, menindak tegas para pelaku kekerasan yang mengatasnamakan agama, seperti kasus pembakaran mesjid di Mataram, Sukabumi, Tasikmalaya.
Aksi sempat tersendat karena hujan lebat. Selain AJI Damai, angkatan anak muda Ahmadiyah juga turut hadir dalam aksi ini. (bernarda rurit)
RADAR JOGJA | Rabu, 07 Mei 2008 | |||||||||